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Making Sense and Making Meaning

Instructor: Tomas Diez

Email: [email protected]

📜 Course Description

In the words of Brian Cox, "Meaning is a property of intelligence." This statement implies that as intelligent beings, we have the ability to assign meaning to the world around us. However, it also suggests that this ability is unique to Earth and its inhabitants, as it is the only known place in the galaxy where intelligence exists.

As designers, we have the power to shape the world around us through the decisions we make and the actions we take. Whether it is the design of an object or the design of a system, our choices have far-reaching consequences. For example, choosing to take a private car instead of public transport not only affects the trip from A to B, but also contributes to pollution and climate change. Similarly, the design of our cities and suburbs can limit or expand our options for transportation.

Design is not just about aesthetics or proportions, it is also about the attitude we have towards the world and the choices we make. The meaning and purpose in design are personal perceptions that translate into actions. However, it is important to remember that these actions also have a collective impact and require a coordinated effort at multiple scales.

The search for meaning and purpose is a lifelong journey that can be influenced by a variety of belief systems, such as philosophy, religion, and science. As designers, it is important to align our beliefs with our actions and build meaningful connections with our work.

The MDEF (Masters in Designing Emergent Futures) seminar aims to align students' purpose with their skills, interests, and capabilities in order to empower them to become agents of change. Through questioning and self-reflection, the seminar aims to rebuild the connection between students and their inner motivations and to provide opportunities for engaging with a diverse range of perspectives and ideas. The seminar is a space for honest discussion, questioning, and challenging, where the aim is to incorporate a philosophical approach to designing for the future.


📚 Readings

Required Texts

Course Schedule

<aside> 📌 This course schedule provides a thorough list of weekly topics, readings, assignments, and exams. Click All to switch to week, exam, or calendar view.



🏆 Grading


Participation: 40**%** Attendance: 20**%** Essay: 40**%**